Point IE5 to an XML document, IE5 will display the document with its root element and child elements expanded. A plus (+) or minus sign (-) to the left of the XML elements can be clicked to expand or collapse the element structure, and if you only want to view the raw XML source, you can select “View Source” from the browser menu. The validation is eecuted on the XML paste and in case of invalid format a warning appears. As a user-friendly feature, the view XML online tool also has a variant to convert he XML data to JSON which can also be further manipulated at the same page. Additionaly you can easily save XML in PDF, WORD, JSON or XML.
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Download:rawdog-2.23.tar.gz(68K, released 2018-12-26)
Signature(about);SHA1 171520c909fae81ac8ec0e063e7ca36593aae372
Available through Git(Atom feed of changes):git clone http://offog.org/git/rawdog.git
About rawdog
rawdog is an RSS Aggregator Without Delusions Of Grandeur.It is a'river ofnews'-style aggregator: it usesfeedparser todownload feeds in RSS, Atom and a variety of other formats, and (bydefault) produces static HTML pages containing the newest articles indate order.For example, rawdog's default configuration produces output that lookslike this:
rawdog is designed to be invoked periodically by cron (or a similartask-scheduling mechanism).It stores data in flat files, so no database is required.It can use threads to download multiple feeds in parallel, and usesETags, Last-Modified, and gzip compression to minimise network bandwidthusage.
Written in Python, rawdog is highly customisable and extendable.Its output is generated using templates, so it's easy to integrate theoutput of rawdog into your own web pages.You can extend rawdog's functionality using plugin modules written inPython — for example, you can provide output in different formats,or filter or modify incoming data from feeds.
Full documentation is included in the source package to get youstarted with rawdog.If you're using a binary package that doesn't include the documentation,you can view the latest README,config andstyle.css files here.
rawdog requires Python 2.7 or later, andfeedparser 5.1.2or later.(rawdog won't work with Python 3.x; Python 3 is a differentlanguage from Python 2.)
I'd also strongly recommend installingPyTidyLib, whichrawdog can use to generate cleaner output HTML.
rawdog is designed to run on POSIX-compliant free operating systems suchas Linux and FreeBSD, and requires Unix-like filesystem semantics.rawdog is not supported on proprietary operating systems.
Mailing list
There is a mailinglist for rawdog users and developers, upon which new versions ofrawdog are announced and discussed.
Packaged versions of rawdog
rawdog packages are available for some systems.These are usually more convenient for end-users to install than thesource tarball above, but they might not contain the very latest versionof rawdog.
For Debian,the rawdog package wasoriginally developed by Decklin Foster, and is now maintained by me.(The debian
directory for the rawdog package isavailable in git.)
For Fedora, Andrew Grover maintains arawdogpackage.
For FreeBSD, you can install thenews/rawdog
port, maintained by Tim Bishop.
For Gentoo, rawdog is available asnet-news/rawdog
For OpenBSD, Xavier Santolaria maintains thewww/rawdog
Available through Git(Atom feed of changes):git clone http://offog.org/git/rawdog-plugins.git
Here are the plugins that are currently available; if you've writtenrawdog plugins that you'd like to be listed here, please let me know.If you can't see a plugin to do what you want, you can probably write ityourself without too much effort.See the PLUGINS file in the sourcepackage for more details of the plugin API, or look at the existingplugins provided.If you're not sure where to start, please contact me.
To install a plugin, make sure that you have plugindirsplugins
in your config file, and drop the plugin into your~/.rawdog/plugins
Name | Maintainer | Purpose |
archive | Adam Sampson | Write incoming articles in Atom formatto a local archive (needs myatomwriter module) |
article-filter | Adam Sampson | Filter articles on a per-feedbasis using regular expressions |
article-stats | Adam Sampson | Print counts of articles added,updated, expired and stored when rawdog exits |
author-no-link | Stephan Manske | Provide author with HTMLremoved for templates |
backwards | Adam Sampson | Example plugin: reverse the article sort order |
dated-output | Adam Sampson | Split output into dated files |
detwit | Adam Sampson | Remove prefixes from Twitter messages |
digest-auth | Adam Sampson | Add HTTP digest authenticationsupport |
download-articles | Adam Sampson | Download copies of articlesautomatically |
enclosure | Virgil Bucoci | Display links to articleenclosures |
feed-execute | Adam Sampson | Execute commands before or afterfetching feeds |
feedgrep | Steve Atwell | Filter articles by regular expression |
feedgroup | Zephaniah E. Hull | Index articles by user-definedgroups |
feedwise | Virgil Bucoci | Group articles by feed rather than bydate |
imgstrip | Virgil Bucoci | Replace images with links |
inline_link | Brian Jaress | Provide data: linksto long article descriptions |
links | TheCrypto | Add static links to rawdog's output |
ljkludge | Adam Sampson | Work around a bug in LiveJournaldigest authentication |
paged-output | Adam Sampson | Split output into several smallerfiles (needs rawdog 2.5rc1 or later) |
printnew | Ted T | Send new articles by email |
rss | Jonathan Riddell | Export RSS, FOAF and OPML automatically for all feeds |
select-feeds | Adam Sampson | Select feeds to include in theoutput |
sidebarfeedwise | Gutemberg A.Vieira | Feed-grouped display with a sidebar |
since-last | Adam Sampson | When writing, only include articlesthat haven't previously been written |
slashdot | Virgil Bucoci | Display Slashdot's department lines in articles |
status-log | Adam Sampson | Keep and display a log of errorswhen fetching feeds |
tagcat | Decklin Foster | Organise feeds using user-defined tags |
truncate | Adam Sampson | Truncate and/or strip HTML markupfrom articles |
vellum-templates | Adam Sampson | Replace rawdog's templatingsystem with the one fromVellum |
xml_archiver | BAM | Write rawdog's article database out as XMLfor external processing |
The appearance of rawdog's output can be customised using CSSstylesheets and HTML templates. rawdog includes a default style (shownin the screenshot above), but here are some more that rawdog users havecontributed. If you've come up with a new stylesheet or template thatothers might like, please let me know.
Name | Author |
dec23 | Adam Sampson |
shym | Samuel Hym |
Raw Dog Xml Viewer Free
Related work
Wari has written anxscreensaver fortune programthat retrieves random articles from rawdog 1.x.
Nimrod's Dogwalker is amodified version of rawdog 1.x that supports FTP uploading and RTL languageslike Hebrew.
Steve Pomeroy'srawdog to OPMLexporter converts rawdog config files to OPML, with categories.
Conversely, Tero Karvinen'sopml-export-feedsscript can turn an OPML list into a rawdog config fragment.
Austin Bingham'srded provides aweb-based interface for editing your rawdog config.
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Brian M. Clapper'scurnis very much like rawdog, but written in Java. Neither of us were awareof the other's project!
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Planet KDE uses rawdog, withsome customisations by Jonathan Riddell; the code and configuration arein KDE'srepository.
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If you've done something cool related to rawdog, let me know so I canadd a link here to your project.