Install Anydesk Raspberry Pi

AnyDesk is a remote maintenance solution for 28 languages and 8 platforms.
Run AnyDesk portable or installed, ready within couple of seconds.
Find AnyDesk for your platform in the Download section.
See also: StartUp and Close AnyDesk for differences of the portable and installed version.
The installation can be performed via Command Line. See also: Automatic Deployment

Notice: smem can also (optionally) output graphs such as pie charts and the like. IMO you don't need any of that. If you just want to use it from the command line like you might use ps -A v, then you don't need to install the Python and Matplotlib recommended dependency. Download the small AnyDesk file of 3 MB and finish urgent tasks on the go with AnyDesk’s user-friendly interface. AnyDesk is not only compatible with Windows 10, but many other operating systems and their various versions, including iOS, macOS, Linux and Android.

  1. The mobile platforms Android and iOS are distributed via Play Store, Apple App Store as well as the Amazon Store.
  2. For Red Hat and Debian compatible Linux distributions AnyDesk offers repositories.

Anydesk Arm64

Customers with Professional or Power license may use a customized client, called custom-client.
Custom-clients are generated in AnyDesks web-interface namely MyAnyDesk Portal providing individual settings, permissions, and logo.

Note: AnyDesk is capable of running several instances. Users can run both default-client and custom-clients at the same time.

List of supported Operating Systems

Install Anydesk Raspberry Pi 8

Windows 7
Windows 8.1
Windows 10
Windows Server
2003 SP2
2008 R2
10.11 El Capitan¹
and newer
and newer
4.4 Ice Cream Sandwich
Amazon Fire OS 4
and newer
Devices with PlayStore
and newer
Ubuntu 18.04 and newer LTS releases
Debian 9 and newer
Fedora 29/30/31/32
CentOS Linux 7 and 8²
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 and newer
OpenSUSE 42/15
Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi 2 and newer
Only Raspbian and
Raspberry Pi OS (32bit) is supported

¹ Older Versions of AnyDesk that supports macOS 10.10 can be found here.
² Until CentOS Linux 8 end-of-life

Note: please keep in mind that on Wayland sessions, selectable in login screen, only outgoing sessions are supported. Incoming sessions are possible only within Xorg session.

Installation instructions

Windowsdownload the installation .exe file from Download page of AnyDesk web pages, execute it and optionally install AnyDesk as a service
macOSdownload the installation .dmg file from Download page of AnyDesk web pages, execute it and optionally install AnyDesk as a service
iOS and Androidaccess application store for the platform, either Play Store or App Store and install the application directly
FreeBSDdownload the .tar.gz file from Download page of AnyDesk web pages, extract the content and and execute the binary
Linuxfor Debian and Red Hat compatible Linux distributions we strongly recommend to use the AnyDesk Linux repositories described below, for other distributions the .tar.gz file with can be downloaded from Download page of AnyDesk web pages
Raspberry pi downloads

Linux repositories and installation

Recommended way how to install AnyDesk on Debian and Red Hat compatible Linux distributions is using official AnyDesk repositories which provide last stable version:

Debian compatiblefollow howto instructions provided on the repository server
Red Hat compatiblefollow howto instructions provided on the repository server

For specific situations repositories with older AnyDesk versions (after v5) are also available:

Debian compatiblefollow howto instructions provided on the repository server
Red Hat compatiblefollow howto instructions provided on the repository server
Note: All the commands from the above howto instruction must be executed as root user.

The last AnyDesk for Linux supporting RHEL/CentOS 6 and older versions of Debian/Ubuntu is v5.0.0 and is available for download (including previous version) here

For other distributions AnyDesk is also provided in .tar.gz archives available for download at Download area of AnyDesk web page, however these installations are not officially supported. Please follow a README file in the archive itself to detailed information.

Needed dependencies on Linux: libc6 (>= 2.7), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1), libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.16.0), libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.20.1), libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1), libx11-6, libxcb-shm0, libxcb1, libpango1.0-0, libcairo2, libxrandr2 (>= 1.3), libx11-xcb1, libxtst6, libxfixes3, libxdamage1 and libgtkglext1.

AnyDesk is a proprietary remote desktop software for Windows, Linux, MacOS, freeBSD, Raspberry pi, chrome OS, Android and iOS. It is free for evaluation and personal use and also comes in paid plans. You can use AnyDesk as remote support and monitoring application. It is using home build DeskRT codec to transfers image data between computers even with bandwidths as low as 100 kB/sec with 60 fps on local networks.

Anydesk using the TLS 1.2 and RSA 2048 asymmetric key exchange encryption for connection. It also providing File transfer and remote printing features.

Install AnyDesk Remote Desktop on Ubuntu Linux

AnyDesk is available as native .deb and Flatpak package file formats. You can install it via your terminal application.

Install AnyDesk via DeB:

Download AnyDesk from above link. Select Debian/Ubuntu/Mint option and Click the Download Now button and save it in your Downloads folder.

In terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) run below commands one by one. Here “anydesk_6.0.1-1_amd64.deb” is the downloads file name. You can change below commands based on your downloaded file name.

You can open it from all applications menu.

Install AnyDesk via Flatpak:

If you don’t have flatpak and flathub installed on your system follow above “install flatpak on ubuntu” link and install it on your system. Also restart after install. If already installed just skip above and in terminal run below AnyDesk flatpak installation command.

You can run AnyDesk flatpak via below command.


Just ask your partner’s AnyDesk ID and connect.

Raspberry pi 400

That’s it.

Raspberry pi downloads
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