Wolf Forms

For the lore, see spirit wolf. For the War of Thorns NPCs, see Ghost Wolf (War of the Thorns). For the Exile's Reach NPCs, see Ghost Wolf (Exile's Reach).

Wolf Forms Co

Wolf track annual survey summary (1700-054) PDF - use this form to report wolf survey summaries for the year. Suspected wolf tracks discriminant analysis (1700-055) PDF - use this form to report suspected wolf track findings for analysis. DNR tracking survey guidelines PDF Become a Tracker. Traits Keen Hearing and Smell: The wolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. Pack Tactics: The wolf has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the wolf's allies is within 5 ft. Of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. Actions Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.

Ghost Wolf
Usable by
CooldownNone/Global Cooldown
Other information
Level learned16
Related buff
A shaman in ghost wolf form.

Ghost Wolf is a level 16 shaman ability. It transforms the shaman into the form of a ghostwolf, increasing movement speed by 30%.

Things you can do in Ghost Wolf form

  • Move 30% faster (The Enchant Boot - Minor Speed enchant has no effect on Ghost Wolf speed)
  • Attack with a bite attack (damage and attack speed depend on what weapon the shaman has equipped).
  • Become hard to see by other players (though this won't affect aggressive mobs).
  • Your ability to loot, skin, and gather herbs remains usable.
  • Carry the flag in battlegrounds such as Warsong Gulch.
  • Do a silly dance! (/dance)
Wolf taxidermy formsWolf Forms
  • Van Dyke's lifesize Wolf forms are available in a variety of sizes and characteristic poses. Several of our forms have been sculpted by award winning sculptor, John Schmidt. Wolf forms are also available in half lifesize and rugshells. Bring life to your mount with Van Dyke's quality Wolf glass eyes.
  • WOLF FORMS BOUTIQUE Created in 2018, the Wolf Forms Boutique allows our customers to buy directly online and choose from a large selection of Forms ready to ship. They are mostly Factory models or inventory models that Wolf accumulated during its 100 years of existence. They are perfect for young designers as a first form model.

Tips and tactics

  • In Ghost Wolf, the caster can't:
    • Cast any spells.
    • Use any skills.
    • Use any non-gathering professions or mining.
  • Ghost Wolf is treated as a magical buff and thus can be dispelled by priests, hunters, a felhunter, or another shaman.
  • Ghost Wolf doesn't make you immune to [Polymorph]. Some players still believe it does.
  • Ghost Wolf changes your type to Beast.
    • You're vulnerable to abilities targeting Beasts such as [Track Beasts], [Scare Beast], or [Hibernate].
    • You're immune to abilities targeting Humanoids, such as [Mind Control] or Track Humanoids.
  • Ghost Wolf can be spellstolen by a mage, though the mage won't take the morph effect, they will just dispel the buff.
  • Passive abilities from Weapons and Items and procs are not active.
  • Buffs from certain potions and some spells disappear.
  • Some weapon buffs' effect are not active (like [Flametongue Weapon], [Windfury Weapon], and [Frostbrand Weapon]).
  • In Ghost Wolf, your standard UnarmedDPS is reduced.
  • For players at or below level 60, there are four PvP rewards which further increase the speed by +15% speed when in ghost wolf form. These will not work for players above level 60.
    • [General's Mail Boots]
    • [Marshal's Mail Boots]
    • [Blood Guard's Mail Greaves]
    • [Knight-Lieutenant's Mail Greaves]
  • Can be used to completely ignore the [Suppression Aura]'s slowing aura mechanic in Blackwing Lair.



When Thrall's soul separated from his body and entered the spirit world he transformed himself into a spirit wolf.[1] The Taur-ahe word for 'ghost wolf' is 'Lo'Gosh.'[2] In Micky Neilson's opinion, when a shaman transforms into a ghost wolf the shaman's body becomes incorporeal.[3]


  • Original model

  • Original model

  • Rehgar in Ghost Wolf form in Heroes of the Storm

Patches and hotfixes

  • Patch 7.0.3(2016-07-19):
    • Now prevents movement speed from being reduced below 100% while active. Mana cost reduced.
    • [Glyph of Spirit Wolf]'s effect is now baseline.
  • Hotfix (2014-12-11): 'Ghost Wolf modified by Glyph of Ghostly Speed no longer provides a movement speed increase while indoors.'
  • Patch 6.0.2(2014-10-14): Wolf model updated.
  • Patch 5.0.4(2012-08-28): Cast time removed. No longer causes the Shaman to be less hindered by effects that would reduce movement speed.
  • Patch 4.0.1(2010-10-12): Speed buff reduced to +30%, down from 40%. Can now be learned at level 15. Now usable indoors.
  • Patch 3.2.0(2009-08-04): Can now be learned at level 16. While in this form, snaring effects may not bring the shaman below base normal run speed.
  • Patch 2.4.0(2008-03-25): Base cast time reduced to 2 seconds, down from 3.
  • Patch 1.8.0(2005-10-10): Will now correctly have its cast time reduced by Nature's Swiftness.
  • Patch 0.12(2004-10-11): Now only usable outdoors.
  • Patch 0.9(2004-08-17): Now considered a beast when using Ghost Wolf.
  • Patch 0.7(2004-06-15): Moved to level 20. Mana cost increased.

Wolf Forms Size 6


  1. ^The Shattering, pg. 488-490
  2. ^The Shattering, pg. 110 (ebook)
  3. ^Micky Neilson on Twitter

External links

Playable classes
  • Death knight
  • Demon hunter
  • Druid
  • Hunter
  • Mage
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Priest
  • Rogue
  • Shaman
  • Warlock
  • Warrior

Wolf Taxidermy Forms

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