Kali Linux Virtual Machine Mac

In this chapter, you will learn about how to install kali Linux on VirtualBox. In the previous chapter, we have installed the VirtualBox, now its time to install the Kali Linux. Let’s install the Kali Linux step by step. If you haven’t installed the VirtualBox, then please visit the chapter How to install VirtualBox in Mac OS and install it.

  1. Install Kali Linux Mac

Step 1:

  1. Open VirtualBox and click on new
  2. Now a popup window will appear
  3. Name: Provide the machine Name
  4. Machine folder: location of the files
  5. type: Linux
  6. Version: Debian (64-bit)
  7. Click on continue
Kali Linux Virtual Machine Mac

Step 2:

1 day ago  Step 2: Install a USB Formatting Tool. On Linux and macOS computers, you could use the dd command to copy over the Kali Live image to the USB drive, but you always run the risk of choosing the wrong drive and royally screwing yourself over by overwriting an important drive. Because of that, we recommend using a USB formatting tool. In a recent video in the “Free Software” series, I showed you VirtualBox, which is a free and open source solution to be able to run other operating systems. Import Kali Linux appliance in VirtualBox. Make sure the source is set to Local File System (assuming the downloaded file is on your machine). Then click the folder icon to navigate to the file you downloaded from Offensive Security and select Open. VirtualBox appliance import screen. Download and install VirtualBox (Free): Kali Linux VirtualBox Image: https://www.kali.org/downloads/.

  1. Assign the ram size
  2. Click on continue

Step 3:

  1. Choose the hard disk here
  2. Create a virtual hard disk now
  3. Click on continue

Step 4:

  1. Select the VDI (Virtual box disk image)
  2. Click on continue

Step 5:

  1. Select dynamically allocated
  2. Click on continue

Step 6:

  1. Now set the limit for memory
  2. Click on Create

Step 7:
At this point creating the virtual machine is been finished, now let us configure the kali Linux


Step 8:

  1. Right-click on the virtual machine
  2. Go to settings
  3. Click on storage
  4. Click on empty
  5. Click on the disk icon and select the choose disk file
  6. Click on ok

Step 9:
Now click on the power button and select the install option


Install Kali Linux Mac

Now the os will be installed and keep selecting the appropriate option in the installation process.